Best Practices for Mulching
Mulching has several benefits for your garden. It can help in preventing weed growth and soil erosion, it can even help moderate soil temperature. Indeed, mulching is a great way to keep your garden in great condition.
Get great results from mulching with these best practices. Doing the process properly will help keep your garden at its best and avoid rotting and decay. It could also prevent the presence of pests like rodents and bugs.
Don’t Overdo Your Mulching
One common mistake people make when mulching is piling excessively around their greenery. While more mulch may seem like a good idea, it can be bad for your garden as it might invite pesky rodents and other wildlife to create homes in the extra mulch.
Too much mulch can also be a problem for your plants during the winter. If roots grow into that mulch, water stress can occur. This happens when the transpiration rate becomes too intense for a plant, which could eventually cause death to the plants involved. Make sure to add just the right amount of high quality mulch to keep your plants and garden in good health.
Avoid Mulch Volcanoes
It’s imperative not to place mulch up to the barks of plants and trees. Doing so can make mulch volcanoes, which are mounds of mulch surrounding a tree. Too much can cause bark decay over time due to moisture. It can even attract organisms like insects, fungi, and bacteria that eat rotting wood.
Make sure to leave a bit of space between your plants and mulch. Doing so will prevent the build-up of excess moisture and keep your plants or trees in suitable temperatures.
Mix Herbicide With Your Mulch
If you’re piling mulch into your garden, it’s good to include a bit of herbicide in the mix. The mixture can significantly reduce the growth of weeds, especially during the spring or fall when they start to grow.
Make It a Two-Step Process
For a more efficient mulching process, you can split it into two important steps. The first step would be clearing up any debris from your garden to allow a better layout for your mulching. Make sure to get rid of any dead plant matter such as fallen leaves, barks, and twigs.
After clearing the landscape beds in your garden, you can now move on with the mulching process. If you have trouble measuring the right amount of mulch, you can always consult a professional to help you. An expert’s insight can make the process easier and smoother for you.
Connect With an Expert on Mulching Best Practices
For quality topsoil services and products like decorative stones, gravel, mulch, and sand, turn to us at Keleny Top Soil in Madison, WI. We can deliver mulch of any amount to your location. Get in touch with us today for more information about our landscape supplies and services.