How To Prepare for Spring Landscaping
Winter can be harsh on your garden, especially with the amount of plant debris it leaves behind. Cleaning up and prepping for warm weather can take a lot of work. Before you get started, it is a good idea to think through all of your spring landscaping plans. You may be wondering, where do you start?
Like most home garden projects, it’s best to begin seasonal landscape planning months beforehand. For spring, start thinking ahead as early as midwinter to allow more time for gathering resources and thinking of a layout. To help you streamline your spring landscaping plans, we compiled a couple of helpful tips below.

Research Your Landscaping Project
Researching your project ahead of time is important so you can learn what will work well for spring, the best plants to grow and the tools you may need. This will help you know ahead of time that you’re not growing anything out of season.
To supplement your research, you can also get the help of an expert who has the experience to provide some advice.
Prep Your Equipment
After going over your landscaping plans, you’ll want to do a quick inventory of your gear. Check your tools ahead of time to know which ones may need to be fixed or replaced.
Prepping early also means that you can get your shopping done ahead of time. It’s likely that you won’t be the only one getting ready for spring landscaping, so try to avoid the rush and shop early.
Get Creative With Your Project
Your inspiration for your spring landscaping can come from anywhere. Talk to friends or neighbors who are involved in their landscaping and gardening for tips. Getting professional insight is also a great idea. Additionally, you can find inspiration online for your project.
Your landscaping should enhance your home’s curb appeal. Try to use complementing or contrasting designs depending on your preference.
Keep Maintenance in Mind
One of the most challenging things about landscaping is the maintenance that comes with it. Your attention to detail and consistency are needed for your yard to keep looking its best.
For successful gardening and maintenance, make sure you are aware of basic garden care that you need to apply after completing your landscaping project. Figuring out how often you have to water and trim your plants is a must. You’ll also have to prepare yourself to deal with the weeds and pests your spring garden may attract by learning about the right products to use against them.
You can make it easier for yourself by getting plants that suit your maintenance schedule. Some low-maintenance options include snake plants and spider plants. They are ideal for maintaining an aesthetic garden even when you do not always have the time to put in the work.
Get the Right Assistance with Your Landscaping Project
For quality products like topsoil, decorative stones, gravel, mulch, and sand, turn to Keleny Top Soil in Verona, WI. Contact us today for more information about our services.