It’s almost like we skipped Fall and jumped right into Winter this year. Halloween certainly wasn’t the nicest! Right now, we have a few calm days before the real cold hits and if you haven’t taken care of your garden and prepped it for next year, we are here to help a few tips!
Clean Out the Garden
The snow melted, luckily. If you didn’t clean your garden of rotting or finished plants, do it immediately. You don’t need disease, fungi or pests enjoying themselves and waiting for the warmer weather. Bury the old plants to help with soil health. And don’t forget to FINALLY weed!
Garden Soil Needs Spring Preparation
Adding compost, manure or other soil nutrients right now will really get you going fast in Spring in your garden. Working the soil now will make it easier come April. Once done, cover your garden bed with plastic so the rain and then snow melt doesn’t drain your soil additives.
You can also add mulch now rather than waiting into Spring.
Sharpen your Garden Tools and Prune Perennials
Now is the time to sharpen those tools! After you get into your perennials, and prune them properly so they come back next season full, wash all garden tools and use a sharpener or find someone who does it professionally. You want to keep your tools working well for years to come.
Plan Ahead
Did you not like some aspect of your garden this year? Now’s the time to look at what worked and what didn’t, decide how you can use your garden bed more efficiently or decide if you want to expand and how that would work. Draw up a plan or several over the next few months as you sit inside your warm, comfy home dreaming of Spring and Summer!